45th Anniversary Greetings from Anthony Macaluso, Chair of Festitalia.

-Anthony Macaluso, Festitalia Chair

Greetings and congratulations to Festitalia Hamilton on their 45th Anniversary celebration. 

-City of Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger

Congratulations to Festitalia on it’s 45th Anniversary!

-Susanna Fortino-Bozzo
Honourary Vice Consul of Italy- Hamilton

Saluti e congratulazioni  a Festitalia per la tua grande celebrazione!

From the elected Representative for the Italian citizens residing in North and Central America

-Francesca La Marca, Deputy (PD)


When you think of Italian culture, one of the first things that comes to mind is FOOD and the amazing Italian cuisine made with fine ingredients that represent the various regions of Italy.


During its history Italy has originated notable inventions, arts and sport that have become synonymous with the Italian identity and their culture.  


Over the centuries, Italian Art has long been a central focus on world history consisting of some of the world’s most famous work of arts and architecture.


Music writing began in Italy and has played an important role in Italian culture.  As many know, Italy is the birthplace of Opera and influenced the classical music foundations.


For the Italian culture, Literature’s importance dates to the 12th century when in some of Italy’s regions written inspired works began to gain popularity.

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